
Social media

Inspire & convert using Social Media

Most likely, your target audience is already spending significant time on social media. As a business, you should be doing the same. By actively engaging on social platforms, you can build brand awareness, promote your offerings, and gain deeper insights into your customers.

Managing multiple channels requires both time and effort—planning, generating fresh ideas, creating content, and scheduling posts. Our specialists are here to assist you with whatever support you need along the way.

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Why work with us?

  • No lock-in period
  • Certified specialists
  • Data-driven approach
  • Proactive mindset
  • Satisfied customers

Our process?

  • Current situation analysis
  • Target group analysis
  • Strategy & Objectives
  • Content creation
  • Analysis & Reporting

Our promise

  • Personalized service
  • Full transparency
  • Training for you as a client
  • Results-driven focus

No lock-in period or lock-in effect.

We create all accounts in your name, using your data. This ensures you can switch providers at any time while keeping all your data intact.

Moreover, Maia has no commitment period, only a 30-day notice period. If you need to end your engagement with Social Media, it should be hassle-free. In today’s fast-paced digital world, you as a client need the flexibility to shift focus quickly, and we aim to support that.


We train the social media experts
of the future.

Maia teaches at some of Sweden’s leading schools for digital marketing. Sharing knowledge is a passion of ours, and teaching requires us to stay at the cutting edge while being highly educational. This expertise is something we bring directly to our client collaborations.


Frequently asked questions

What channels do you work with?

At Maia, we work with Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter and Tiktok.

Do you work with both organic and purchased social media?

Yes, at Maia we have the expertise to help businesses with both organic content for social media, but also with advertising. You can find more information about social media advertising on the Social Media Marketing (SMM) page.

What does it cost to work with Social Media?

Costs vary if you e.g. want help with developing a strategy or get ongoing operational help with creating content. You are welcome to contact us for a quote!

How does Maia charge?

At Maia, all our assignments are based on an hourly rate. This means we estimate the scope of the project in hours and invoice for the time spent accordingly.

Do you work internationally?

Yes, we have the opportunity to work on global projects. We create content ourselves in Swedish and English – and are supported by sharp subcontractors for other languages.

How do you report results?

We report results in connection with a monthly meeting or via email—whichever the customer prefers. During these updates, we share insights into the developments across various channels, review the key figures we’ve agreed to monitor, and outline the actions moving forward.

Do you want to work with us?

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