Search engine optimization


Search engine


Rank at the top of Google

Over 60% of the Swedish population uses Google daily, searching for answers to questions, solutions to problems, and products or services to buy. The real question is: does your company show up in the search results, or are potential customers finding your competitors instead?

With SEO (search engine optimization), you can improve your chances of appearing in search results for relevant keywords related to your business. Our SEO experts are happy to review your website to evaluate your optimization opportunities and uncover potential that’s waiting to be realized. Whether it’s optimizing your existing content, creating new material, link building, or technical SEO—there are many possibilities to explore!

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Why work with us?

  • No lock-in period
  • Certified specialists
  • Data-driven approach
  • Proactive team
  • Satisfied customers

Our process?

  • Current situation analysis
  • Keyword analysis
  • Strategic prioritization
  • Ongoing optimization
  • Analysis & reporting

Our promise

  • Personalized service
  • Full transparency
  • Client training and empowerment
  • Results-focused approach

A selection of brands we've helped with SEO

A selection of brands we've helped with SEO


No lock-in period or lock-in effect.

What we create, you own. Dashboards and ranking tools are set up with you as the owner, and you simply share access with us—not the other way around. This means you can switch providers at any time while retaining full control of all your data.

Additionally, Maia has no commitment period, just a 30-day notice period. If you need to end the SEO engagement, the process should be smooth and hassle-free. In the fast-paced digital world, you need the flexibility to shift focus quickly, and we fully support that.


We train the SEO experts
of the future.

Maia teaches at some of Sweden’s top schools for digital marketing. We love sharing knowledge, and teaching requires us to stay at the cutting edge while being highly educational. This commitment to learning translates directly into the value we bring to our client engagements.


Anything worth repeating is worth automating.

When working on SEO for our clients, our specialists have a certain number of hours dedicated to each client. So it is important that we are efficient. That’s why we’re automating parts of the work so that more hours are spent on actual optimization and analysis. The things that drive growth.

A holistic approach

We take a holistic approach to working with SEO.

SEO is much more than just well-chosen keywords and optimized texts. When we work on SEO, we consider how our efforts can benefit other parts of your business. For example, how blog content can enhance your newsletter strategy, how best practices in link building overlap with PR efforts, and how technical SEO improvements enhance the overall user experience across your website.


Frequently asked questions

How does SEO work?

SEO (search engine optimization) focuses on optimizing your website to perform well in organic search results. On your site, you can optimize and create content that targets specific keywords, while also improving the technical aspects of the site. Factors outside the website, such as external links, also impact SEO performance. This process, known as link building, involves acquiring links from other domains. By actively working with content, technical SEO, and link building, you can develop successful strategies and achieve long-term results.

What does SEO cost?

Costs vary depending on whether you need help developing a strategy or ongoing operational support, such as writing SEO copy. Feel free to contact us for a personalized quote!

How does Maia charge?

At Maia, we base all our assignments on an hourly rate. In other words, we estimate the scope of the assignment in hours and then invoice for the time spent

Can you guarantee results?

No, we don’t guarantee results—and if an agency you speak with does, consider that a red flag. Our SEO specialists are highly experienced and can provide estimates of expected outcomes, but we never offer guarantees. The reason is simple: search results are organic. It’s the most relevant and valuable content that performs best, but exactly how Google evaluates it can never be predicted with 100% certainty. Additionally, we can’t foresee what actions your competitors will take as you work on your SEO strategy, which can also shift the landscape moving forward.

Do you work internationally?

Yes, we work on global SEO projects. We conduct keyword analysis and create content in both Swedish and English, with the support of skilled subcontractors for other languages

How do you report results?

We report results through a monthly meeting or email—whichever the client prefers. During these updates, we share insights on ranking changes and the KPIs we’ve agreed to track, as well as recommended actions moving forward.

To monitor ranking changes, we use the client’s own ranking tracking tool. If a client doesn’t have one, we’re happy to help set it up in their name. The client always owns all data, as we are firmly against lock-in effects.

Do you want to work with us?

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